Jämställdhet har länge varit en debatterad fråga inom idrotten. Särskilt synlig är ojämställdheten inom elitidrotten och ofta talas det om de ekonomiska villkoren.
I denna feministiska studie undersöks de ekonomiska villkoren för elitidrottare ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Utgångspunkten är ett antal svenska idrottsförbunds egna redovisningar av elitidrottares ekonomiska villkor. Genom intervjuer med förbundschefer och analyser av förbundens officiella tidskrifter framkommer en komplex bild där olika idrotter liksom kön är faktorer som påverkar möjligheterna för idrottare att kunna leva på elitidrotten.
Det som undersöks är den ekonomiska strukturen runt elitidrottaren. Var får de sina inkomster ifrån? Kan de leva helt och hållet på inkomster från idrotten eller måste de ha ett arbete vid sidan om? Hur ser det ut i de olika idrotterna? Finns samma utmaningar i fotboll som i golf? På vilket sätt skiljer sig förutsättningarna mellan curling och ridsport? Och hur ser det ut för de idrottare som är föräldrar – går det att kombinera elitidrott och familjeliv?
Avhandlingens engelska abstract:
The purpose of this study is to problematize and analyze the conception and construction of elite athletes’ economical terms through a feministic Jens. I will specifically try to investigate and illustrate how women and men who want to invest and try out for elite sports, are constructed as economical actors, how economical prerequisites to practice their sport is depicted and if, and in what way, the professionalization of the sport is gender equal. The four sports that are examined in this study are curling, football, golf and equestrian. The study contributes to the illustration of sport management issues from a feministic, gender and equality perspective. I have chosen multiple theories that I believe explain tbe different parts of my material in relation to feminism, gender equality and gender theories. The concepts used are the connection between material and cultural inequality (Fraser and Ridgeway), dominance and power structures (Young and Halldenius), the connection between the public and the private (Okin) and the gender contract (Hirdman). Mainly two types of material are used. An analysis of the sport associations’ official magazines and interviews with different organizational leaders within the associations. This dissertation shows that the issues regarding financial conditions for elite athletes are depicted differently in the different sports. There are diverse challenges for the sports and their associations in tbe work towards gender equality. The different conditions are affected by size, status, connections to the market and dependence of funds. Several problematic issues are identified such as distribution of resources by the associations, the distribution by sponsors, the distribution by the SOK, prize money and family life. The struggle for a gender equal distribution of resources in elite sports are ongoing. The magazines depict women as receiving less money than men in their sports. A common argument for this distribution is the greater interest in men’s sports, which refers to that men’s sports generate more money. Women’s sport is economically marginalized. An excessive redistribution of assets and a restructuring of the control over resources are necessary aspects to rectify gender inequality. Professional sports as they appear today, partly controlled by the market, are not gender equal. It appears to be a great gap between gender equality and the market logic. As it appears from this study, a key seems to be adding value to women’s sports on all levels, from associations to spectators. The relationship between the Swedish state and the sports movement (RF) is defined by an implicit contract. The state provides funds to RF and in tum, RF has a responsibility to make sure sport is equal for all. Since the implicit contract also means that the state does not interfere with how the sport confederation distribute the funds this means that the distribution of resources benefits men’s elite sports because it is considered more worthy by the sport organizations. RF do not fulfill their part of the contract and the state approves the inequality by not making demands. The implicit contract becomes gender impregnated.
ANNA MARIA HELLBORG är verksam vid Institutionen för idrottsvetenskap, Malmö universitet. ”Godispengar” eller ”överdådig lyx” – om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet är hennes doktorsavhandling.
Anna Maria Hellborg
”Godispengar” eller ”överdådig lyx” – om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet
Bokförlaget idrottsforum.org
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences, Vol 30
208 sidor | Februari 2019
Format 160×240 mm | Hft
Omslag Kjell E. Eriksson
Omslagsillustration Jessica Jennerheim
ISBN 978-91-85645-28-2
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