Den utställda idrotten: Idrott som kulturarv på idrottsmuseer i Sverige av John Berg

Hur konstrueras den svenska idrottens kulturarv och vilka bestämmer över det? Hur förhåller sig idrottens kulturarv till övriga samhällets kulturarv? John Berg undersöker fem svenska idrottsmuseer på olika platser i Sverige, dels som konkreta platser där idrottens kulturarv materialiseras och ställs ut, dels som kontextberoende institutioner påverkade av samhälleliga strömningar. Genom intervjuer med museiskapare och närstudier av museiutställningar bildas kunskap om hur kulturarvet är konstruerat idag. Med hjälp av arkivkällor placeras idrottens kulturarv därutöver i en större historisk kontext där stor vikt läggs vid att undersöka skiftande maktförhållanden över tid. Bergs forskning bidrar med ny kunskap för kulturarvsforskningen, där idrotten historiskt sett haft en undanskymd roll, men också med ny kunskap för såväl historisk som idrottshistorisk forskning i bredare bemärkelse.

Avhandlingens engelska abstract

The purpose ofthis dissertation is lo explore the heritagisation ofSwedish sports, which is examined through studies offive Swedish sports museums of today. Additionally, the disseration explores the heritagisation of Swedish sports in a wider historical perspective, mainly focusing on the years between 1900 and 2000.

There are plenty of sports museums in Sweden today, most of them run by amateurs related lo sports history associations. The number of sports museums seem to have increased from the l 980’s, a development that can be seen in relation to a wider interest in heritage, especially heritage produced by amateurs and enthusiasts rather than experts. In the study, this tendency is referred to as ”the heritage boom”, a tenn coined by archeologist Rodney Harrison. Heritage is seen as a both social and material construction which on one hand is determined by language, on the other hand by structural circumstances. When analysing heritage making on sports museums oftoday, categories such as gender, class, nation and generation have been used. Methodologically, archive studies have been conducted in order to study the heritagisation from a historical perspective, and ethnographic methods such as descriptions and interviews have been used to collect material in sports museums oftoday. All material have mainly been interpreted through discourse analysis.

The results show that the heritagisation of Swedish sports is as old as the organized sports in Sweden, since the first attempts to collect and exhibit the heritage was conducted in the early 1900s. However, despite numerous attempts, the sports heritage have had problems finding ways to be consistent until the very last few decades when the amateur-based heritage production have had its glory days. According to changes within museology and visitor interactment, the future for the Swedish sports heritage is difficult to predict. In the sports museums of today, exhibitions are generally focused on men’s sports, although changes seem to be in the making. Apart from that, there are several differences in how the sports museums constructs generation, class and nation, often depending on how the museums are managed.

JOHN BERG är verksam vid Malmö universitet. Den utställda idrotten: Idrott som kulturarv på idrottsmuseer i Sverige är hans doktorsavhandling i historia och historiedidaktik.

John Berg
Den utställda idrotten
Idrott som kulturarv på idrottsmuseer i Sverige
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences, Vol 41
209 sidor | Maj 2022
Format 160×240 mm | Hft, ill., 24 färg, 1 sv/v
Omslag Kjell E. Eriksson
Omslagsillustration Jimmy Bussenius
ISBN 978-91-85645-32-9

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